Leonard Nimoy #LLAP

Nimoy’s autobiographies were titled “I Am Not Spock” and “I Am Spock”. The younger Nimoy wanted to show the world he was much more than Mr. Spock (which, of course, he was!), and the older Nimoy fully realized the incredible impact his beloved character had on the world. Gene Roddenberry’s vision endures because great people like Leonard Nimoy embodied that vision, and made it a part of our culture.
‪#‎RIPLeonardNimoy‬, a shining star whose light leads us to the better way. ‪#‎LLAP‬

Leonard Nimoy Final Tweet

NY Times: Leonard Nimoy Was Not (Only) Spock)

Be Proud of Them All

All the special people I’ve worked with over the past 25 years inspired me to create the Vampire Syndrome Saga, centered on Jack Wendell, a newly-turned vampire with Down Syndrome. I hope to reach readers who wouldn’t otherwise read a story about a young man with Down Syndrome, for it is they who most need to know the humanity inside.
Thank you Marla and Juliette for sharing the stories of people similar to the coworkers who inspired me! 🙂

Stories that Must Not Die

The following ramblings (in her own words) were submitted by Juliette, from VampireMaman and WestCoastReview, while she was thinking through some unedited thoughts and memories.  We here at STMND think her ramblings are well worth reading through, appreciating, learning from, and spreading across the blogosphere.


I often see special needs teens when I pick up my daughter at school. I always tell her how different it was when I was growing up. The special kids I see now are fashionably dressed, usually have great hair and are walking along like all the other teens.

So what are my experiences from the deep dark past?

My family has so many skeletons in the closet that it is starting to look like the famous scene in the Marx Brother Movie “Night at the Opera”.  You know the one where people keep coming into a teeny tiny little room and eventually…

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Why Authors Should Pay Attention To Gravity

Well, okay, you should always pay attention to gravity (as in the earth’s natural force), but there is another, graver “Gravity” story you need to know.

Kristin Nelson Pub Rants Article: “Why Authors Should Pay Attention To Gravity”

Quick Summary: Bestselling author Tess Gerritsen brought the suit making a claim that the movie was based on her book that New Line Productions had optioned in 1999. Warner Bros. acquired New Line studios and what is in question is whether Warner Bros, after the acquisition, is required to honor the New Line option agreement.

One thing Nelson didn’t touch on is the possible ramifications for those who are (specifically) pursuing “indie” film adaptations of their novels. For example, it might be quite possible your “vampire novel” is more akin to the artistic spirit of successful recent indie vampire films such as Let The Right One In/Let Me In, Byzantium, Only Lovers Left Alive and A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night than middling ‘major’ projects such as Vampire Academy and Dracula: Untold.

If a major studio buys out your indie film producer(s), a situation like Tess Gerritsen’s could easily happen. Authors pursuing indie projects will have to trust their “gut feelings” that the producers are committed to crafting the films that Hollywood won’t or can’t do. 😈

Drawing Dead Ch. 1 pt. 1

“Faolan O’Connor had business to resolve before he died.”
Best intro ever!

The Ravings of a Sick Mind

Faolan O'Connor Faolan O’Connor

Chapter One

Faolan O’Connor had business to resolve before he died.

The call he’d been waiting for came around eight. Charlie Luciano’s rough voice said: “It’s on for tonight. Chophouse in Newark.”

“Well, hello to you too, dear,” Faolan answered.

The chuckle on the other end of the line was as genuine as a three dollar bill. “Glad to see you ain’t lost your sense a’ humor,” Charlie said and Faolan heard the tension under the words. “Heard you was under the wedder. Sure ya feel up to this?”

“I’ll climb off my deathbed for this job. I owe Dutch.”

“That’s what I figured. Ten o’clock.” He hung up without saying goodbye. Faolan already knew that was the last conversation they’d ever have.

He dragged himself from his bed, trembling and aching, and dressed in his best olive suit. The tailored pants were baggy on him from all…

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Vampire Syndrome Book Trailer

Here’s the first book trailer for Vampire Syndrome. An old-school creepy Halloween feel!