Write your Novel with A.I. *right now*, or why #NaNoWriMo is pointless

On November 1st, 2019, I posted about Why A.I. Will Take Over Fiction Writing.

Four days later, on November 5th, the Elon Musk-backed Talk to Transformer went live for all to use.

Elon Musk-backed non-profit OpenAI, which claimed to have developed a machine learning-powered text generation software so powerful that it couldn’t be ethically released to the public, has… done just that.

OpenAI previously said that the text generator, using the GPT-2 software and trained on some 40 gigabytes of data yanked from eight million websites, was so good at generating text from a given prompt that it could be used to generate convincing hoax stories. The Guardian described it as “capable of writing plausible passages that match what it is given in both style and subject,” as well as significantly better for general usage purposes than preceding models.

Indeed, “convincing hoax stories” would seem to be the biggest issue with programs such as Talk to Transformer. Unless you’re an author, that is. 😈 In that case, a program/app that generates convincing fictional text is not an ethical issue at all, and is in fact your raison d’être. 😉

In a downright stupefying irony, I’m posting all this in November. Which happens to be “National Novel Writing Month”, also known as NaNoWriMo.

To win NaNoWriMo, participants must write an average of approximately 1,667 words per day in November to reach the goal of 50,000 words (for the month) written toward a novel.

Okay, then, how about an impromptu test of Talk to Transformer, using this 27-word paragraph opener from one of my unfinished manuscripts?

“Go get ’em.”

The last words of Jasso, a Junior Cadet who was marching in the Celebration of the Military parade when Sacred Path’s bomb went off.

The result?

“Go get ’em.”

The last words of Jasso, a Junior Cadet who was marching in the Celebration of the Military parade when Sacred Path’s bomb went off.

Jasso, now 18, is still recovering from the incident, but recently came forward and spoke to a reporter in person.

Jasso said she was running with friends near the base gate when she heard an explosion.

“All of a sudden I heard this loud boom and I saw everything around me, and I saw smoke, and I saw a lot of smoke. I tried to take cover but I was too far away.

“Then it started to go black. Then I got really confused, I didn’t know what happened.”

At the time, she was unaware of the threat posed by the bombs. She was in shock.

“When I woke up, I was crying,” she said. “It was one of those feelings like you know.”

A member of the public found the bomber and gave him a letter addressed to the Minister of Defense, explaining that Sacred Path was a Junior Cadet who was killed on November 5, 2012.

“I hope he knows that he didn’t die in vain,” the letter read. “We don’t have any more to lose.”

“I just found him by a pond at about 1:30 p.m. and he was covered in blood and had his clothes off. I gave him the letter,” said the person who found Sacred Path.

“I told him that he was going to get a new life because he did the right thing,” said the member of the public.

“I know his family. They’re a tight-knit family, so they were very nice. I also gave him some bread and milk.”

Just imagine how much better this would be if the A.I. had grasped that “Sacred Path” is an organization, not an individual, as I think most humans would have inferred. That said, a human writer could also find that misinterpretation interesting, and run with it.

More to the point, Talk to Transformer generated this original-text 265 word paragraph completion from a 27-word opener in less than twenty seconds.

I could simply repeat this very brief process several times, and I would then complete NaNoWriMo’s 1,667 words goal for one day, in less than ten minutes. 😄
And remember, this is all original text, so you are not technically “cheating” on NaNoWriMo’s goal of word generation.

The ultimate goal of NaNoWriMo is not to create quality, publisher-ready work. The goal is to write 50,000 words in one month, period. The motivation behind this main goal is to acclimate writers in the “grunt work” of creating and typing the original text. Which will soon no longer be necessary, as I’ve already demonstrated right here in this very post!

The only thing which human-typing out 50,000 words a month will really train you for is to be one of James Patterson’s many ghostwriters. At least until a more refined, fiction-writing-specific version of Talk to Transformer’s A.I. becomes available to Patterson and his like, which will instantly unemploy all those ghost-writers text completers.

As I said in my previous post:

If you think Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is crowded now, with over a million books a year being added to K.D.P. even at the present time, just wait a decade or two for when no one even has to do the “grunt work” of typing the majority text. Everyone’s “idea” for a novel will suddenly become a novel. Even now, there are at least a hundred people with “ideas for a novel” (for every person who has finished a novel) who have not finished their novels due to the grunt work required to create the text. What happens when all those “ideas” can become novels in a day or two, without all the “heavy lifting” of typing out text? Predictive text A.I. programming fed by human ideas will bring its own version of the “infinite monkey theorem” to life.

Think “discoverability” is a big problem for new works now?
Just wait until there are over 500 million e-books floating around in cyberspace. Maybe even over a billion, who knows? 😈

Winning the Powerball jackpot or being struck by lightning will seem like quite reasonable odds by comparison.

“A decade or two?” At the rate we’re going, with a CGI James Dean already “cast” for a lead role in a movie, twenty years from now we might be watching entirely A.I. generated movies, from the story creation to the “acting”, “directing”, editing, etc.

Or maybe we could have A.I. watch them for us, and we could all go fishing… 😉

Update: 2022 Links:

David’s Haunted Library: Ancient Enemies

Ancient Enemies: A “vampire book” that transcends the genre. I wish I delved into the inner politics of my vampires like Brian does for his!


The world’s governments are a place of secret agendas and backstabbing politicians. It’s even worse when the ruling class is made up of vampires called the order. Their ruling council is called the Hegemony and they have been in charge of world politics for centuries. Every continental territory is ruled by a Hegemon, the Hegemon in charge of North America is a vampire scientist named Caroline.

Ancient Enemies by Brian McKinley begins with Caroline about to leave for a summit meeting of the Hagemony to talk about the future. She is leaving her lover Avery in charge of their home. Avery has been developing psychic powers and has been feeling out of place in Caroline’s world. Now with Caroline gone, Avery is faced with trying to protect Caroline’s scientific secrets and he has found a new woman who is attracted to him. Meanwhile, Caroline is trying to keep her position of…

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Historical Division: Uncovering the Underworld by Brian McKinley

Tracing history can be hard when the subjects didn’t want to be traced…. 😈

Mystery Thriller Week


When I began planning my historic gangster vampire novel Drawing Dead, I knew that I was in for a lot of research. However, what surprised me was the amount of digging and sifting through contradictory information I had to do. I’d always been interested in the gangsters of the 1920s and 30s, and I thought I had a fairly solid grip on the major figures of the period.

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Shakespeare? Yes, We Can!

Coach Ron Pepper: “Don’t worry about the things you can’t do. A champion is the best at what they can do.”
College degrees, owning their own businesses, symphony musicians, Shakespearean acting.
People with Down Syndrome can do it all!

Exploring the Mind of Mickey

Source: Exploring the Mind of Mickey

Danger: female violinist at work

This woman can… play!


nicola benedetti

Here’s the lovely Nicola Benedetti. It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when many people were disgusted at the sight of a woman playing the violin. As one writer (in The Girls’ Own Indoor Book, attempting to reassure teenage girls in the 1880s) says

I have also in former days known girls of whom it was darkly hinted that they played the violin, as it might be said that they smoked big cigars, or enjoyed the sport of rat-catching.

By the end of the century, those former days appeared long gone. Violin-playing was deemed ‘lady-like’, if not a suitable job for a woman – when Henry Wood, the visionary director of Queen’s Hall Orchestra and the man behind the Proms, hired six female string players in 1913 he was right to take great pride in his action, but, sadly, other orchestras did not follow suit.


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I especially love this book trailer’s music!

The Ravings of a Sick Mind

Here it is! The awesome new trailer from  http://onlineservices4authors.org/

What do you think? Sound off in the comments!

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An Open Letter to People Magazine

GREAT letter, Jason. All vacuous celebrity-worshipping asidw, it most troubles me when media just repeat the views of an organization like Autism Speaks, without bothering to do any background investigation.
One of the driving messages of my Vampire Syndrom Saga is how differently abled people can benefit our world.

Aspie Catholic

Image Description: A boy is kneeling and has blue masking tape and wears a necklace with the autism neurodiversity symbol on it. Next to him is Suzanne Wright, the head of Autism Speaks. She has an unkind expression and is saying “They’re voiceless, the poor things.” Credit is Idrawhumans.

To Whom it May Concern,
First of all, I never read your magazine. Celebrity gossip doesn’t interest me. However, when I saw one of your articles for your July 1, 2015 issue, I had to respond.
Autism Speaks is “Crusading” Against autism? How dare you? Do you realize what you are implying? A crusade is a holy war. You are implying that autism is akin to cancer. Like Suzanne Wright, the head of Autism Speaks–who you interviewed, you are saying that autistic people like myself are better off dead. Do you seriously believe that a person who is diagnosed with autism…

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What I Miss About Traditional Publishing

For all the Big Five’s devotion to formulae, data collection and analysis models, they still fail to predict true viral successes such as “Fifty Shades”, and clearance racks everywhere are filled with their predicted “sure-fire” successes.
The likes of Hocking, Howey and James have so far cashed in their self-made chips, but one of these years, an author who has become successful on their own terms will see no point in signing up with the Big Five.

Deborah Cooke & Her Books

Although I am now an indie author, I was traditionally published—i.e. published by big publishing houses based in New York City—for twenty years. It was almost exactly the twentieth anniversary of my first sale when I stepped away from traditional publishing. I sold my first book to a publisher in April 1992, and declined the offer from my last publisher in March 2012.

In the last five years, I’ve repackaged and republished a lot of backlist titles (because the rights have reverted to me from the original publishers) and also have published a good bit of new work myself. The last three books in the Dragonfire series were indie-published, as was the True Love Brides series of medieval romances, as was Tupperman’s story, Abyss. Indie publishing gave me the opportunity to finish series that wouldn’t have been possible in traditional publishing. Five years ago, I thought that would be…

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A Conversation with Joel Eisenberg

Clay Gilbert interviews TV/film producer, screenwriter and author Joel Eisenberg. Our friend Joel is a fantastic and very insightful motivational speaker as well, so if Joel has a seminar in your area, don’t miss it! I drove a thousand miles to attend his Catching The Muse senimar, and it was worth the drive!


Today, my guest on Portals and Pathways is producer, screenwriter and author Joel Eisenberg.  He’s a very kind, humble and inspiring man, and it was my great pleasure, honor, and a lot of fun to have this chat with him.

CG: Joel, which came first—wanting to be a writer, or wanting to be in the movie business? And when did you know that was what you wanted to do?

JE: Good question. I wanted to be a writer in the movie business. That’s not a copout answer but the truth, and I knew it from a very early age. When I was a boy, I eschewed sports and leisure activities in favor of writing. I wrote short stories based on my favorite television shows and movies. A typical plot was the crew of the Starship Enterprise teams with the Six Million Dollar Man to save the world from the Planet…

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