WANACon Vs Whistling Frogs

Right Ink On The Wall


‘Did you see JK Rowling in the mirror this morning?’

– Daven Anderson

A few months ago, I wrote about why I went to WANACon for the first time. I’m going to talk about why I went again this weekend, despite being faced with the distraction of whistling frogs. It was because I *knew* this digital writers’ conference would live up to its last installment. And it was well worth some creative logistical leaps to make attendance possible…

Read more about my adventure here – in my new webhome – follow me there!

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Daily Writing Prompt

Belfast, 1703, the O’Muiredaigh household.

“Aye, she’s a cheeky one, me babby. ‘Tis why I named her Lilith. Her eyes of green stare deep into me soul. She’ll be so much more than I, the peasant. She has the soul of greatness, but I so worry about me poor little snapper. Could turn a scrubber if she wanted to. What can I do but teach ‘er the faith the best I can? With our Heavenly Father Clement XI to guide her, me fair Lilith will be blessed by the angels.”


Daily Writing Prompt

Writers Write Daily Prompt 2-21-14

just getting started

I’m ecstatic that I can contribute to your success here at PDMI, VMan!

VMan Art Blog

Here are some samples of the art I've done. I'll be adding more as time goes on Here are some samples of the art I’ve done. I’ll be adding more as time goes on

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Interview with Daven Anderson

Thank you Brian McKinley!

The Ravings of a Sick Mind


1.   Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing?

I started writing on June 13, 2009. I borrowed the four Twilight books and read them. After finishing “Breaking Dawn”, my first thought was “R-rated movie.” My second thought was “I can write something better than that.” Thus began the Vampire Syndrome saga. I had my four main characters created by the time I went to bed that night, and a rough outline. I joined a highly-regarded local critique group and honed my writing skills with them for several years, refining Vampire Syndrome every step of the way. “Vampire Syndrome”, book one of the Vampire Syndrome saga, was completed in August 2012. On December 2012, I signed a contract with PDMI Publishing LLC to publish the saga and related projects. 


 2.     Which story did you contribute to Fresh Blood and what made you want…

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Caregiving Backstage – Rose Petals

We don’t love people because they know who we are.
We love them because we know who they are.

Victoria Adams' Reading Alcove

Rose petals

0601020160 Courtesy Photobucket

“Thus, the first light: the world in his eyes would never be the same and would change with every day. If I wanted to keep him, I would have to move through those worlds with him and not try to keep him in mine.”  (Who I Am Yesterday by the author)

I keep forgetting this.  Even nearly three years later. I keep trying to “set things straight” knowing all the while that “straight” no longer exists.  So now I think of rose petals and try to learn that the only way to save myself is to lose myself.

In this life we lead, I am no longer certain of who I am each day, or each moment. From his perspective I can be the bitch that couldn’t find the right wine, or the angel that helps him in the morning.  Sometimes…

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I am a WANACon 2014 Presenter

WANACon Feb 2014 Session List

My Presentation:

Why Choose A Small Press? – Daven Anderson

Daven will explore the strengths and drawbacks of each method of publishing (New York, Do-It-Yourself and Small Press), answer authors’ questions, and give these authors information to help them decide which path is right for them.

One my syllabus points sums it all up nicely:

The Three Boxes:

DIY: Thinking Outside The Box
NY: Thinking About The Big Box
Small Press: Building A New Box Continue reading

The Liebster Award – Answers to my Questions

Thank you Jason Thayer for nominating me for the Liebster Award!
I will now answer his interview questions. 😀

What is the worst (fiction) book you’ve ever read?

  • “Fifty Shades Of Grey” by E.L. James

What is the best (fiction) book you’ve ever read?

If you could own any fictional car, what would it be and why?

  • Damien’s 1960 Plymouth Fury coupe. Do I have to explain why? 😉

1960 Fury at Modern house

What creature from mythology do you wish existed?

  • Besides vampires?
    Dragons, no contest!

What song do you think best describes your philosophy and why?

What’s your favorite verse from the Bible and why?

  • Matthew 7:1 – “Judge not, lest ye not be judged.” The best reminder that we are not God.

A time-traveler has offered to take you to any point in history, so long as you do not attempt to invoke the “butterfly effect”. What event would you wish to visit, and why?

  • The day the meteor hit the Yucatan peninsula and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (from inside a spacecraft that would protect me). I’d be the first human to witness it.

Who are your favorite musicians?

  • Among others; Nicolo Paganini, Hildegard von Bingen, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Wesley Willis and all the Aborigines playing didgeridoos in the Australian desert

What is your favorite animal?

Electric Mayhem

Name three musicians you feel deserve a place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame who have yet to be nominated.

  • Devo, The Runaways, Deep Purple

The Chronicle Series by Etta Jean (with bio and excerpt)

Etta Jean's Summer Fest Blog Tour Banner
Today I am proud to host my fellow PDMI Publishing LLC author Etta Jean on her Summer Hop Blog Tour.

Omnom Girl

Hey, wait a minute? How in the heck did Omnom Girl show up there? 😈

Let’s try this again…

Okay, that’s better. 😉

Etta’s Summer Fest Blog Tour commemorates the February 14, 2014 release of Chronicles of Summer, the second and concluding novel of the Chronicles Series. The first novel, Chronicles of Destiny, is available on Amazon.

The Summer Fest blog tour continues through February, and you can win prizes just by commenting on each of the blog stops along the way.
Check Etta out at her website http://www.ettajeanfantasy.com and her blog at http://www.ettajeanfantasy.wordpress.com

Without further ado, here is a “Young-Adult Friendly” excerpt:

He shielded from the lightning bolts then rushed forward swiftly. Before she could dodge, his fist cracked across her jaw and sent her sprawling. “There’s some rule about not hitting someone smaller,” he said through his teeth, “but I’m really getting tired of this!” He began to say more when he saw the blood welling on her lip. Shocked, he backed up slowly.

Her blood was yellow.

Only tainted blood was yellow. Pure Magi blood was red in color. Kin had silver or gold blood, and supposedly Dragons had green blood. No blood was ever yellow unless the owner’s power had been corrupted and made to be an aberration of nature itself.

She wiped her fingers over her lip and studied the smear on her fingers. With a shrug, she wiped her fingers on her cloak. If anything, her callous disregard for the reality of the monster she was made him all the more disturbed.

As she began to advance toward him, yellow lightning flickering around her, he backed up slightly. For the first time, he was beginning to question whether or not he would actually win this fight.

Terina had better hurry or the Dragon wouldn’t have to worry about protecting Mirah. It would detonate in Roman’s death, just like Beta wanted.

It has been nine years for Lucksphere. A devastating battle that shattered millennia of beliefs looms in the past. Magi are confused, the Black Magi Elite are in hiding, and Chronicles are still murdered on discovery. Yet a secret hides within the sheltering arms of the world. A secret that the Elite will literally kill to find and the Dragons are rushing to find first: Tariah and Morgan Chronis are not the only Chronicles who have made it past puberty. The four Chronicle children that Morgan sent away for safety are now becoming adults. Kelsey Renaire is a fiery Master Weaponsmith with often more sass than sense. Roman Arequo is an aloof and airy farmer who dabbles in glass carving. C.J. Daragon is a gentle weaver who creates beauty from soil and sand. Jayda Lakemore is a gifted doctor whose watery talents mend all but the most terminal injuries. Secretly living as Master Magi, all have felt isolated from their peers. All have suspected there might be something more to their power. None of them know what destiny lays in front of them. As the Elite rise again and strike out in ways that threaten to tear the land to pieces, the six Chronicles of Lucksphere and their Furies are going to have to join forces and fight not only for their right to live, but for the rights of the Magi and Kin as well. If they don’t work fast, this summer will be last for Lucksphere. Will love finally defeat hate?

Etta Jean’s Bio:
Etta Jean was made in England but born in Sacramento, California, and like the redwoods of the state, her roots have dug deep. Her destiny as a bard was somewhat inevitable. Little else can explain how she constantly told her mother tall tales so outlandish that she couldn’t even get grounded for them. Her mother and grandmother had her reading by age three, and that love of a good story propelled her through so many books that Scholastic Books gave her a medal. A love of worlds created by others eventually brought out the desire to create her own, and she has never looked back.

Etta has seen both good and evil in her life, and her stories, like life, have no half measures. Even in a fantasy world of dragons and faeries, even in a modern city where magic abounds, she knows that the constants of real emotion never change. Dreams come true, love can be found at first sight, princesses can rescue their princes, and maybe there really can be happily ever after. Her happy endings never come without cost, though, for she truly believes we can’t appreciate the good and the joy without the bad and the pain along the way.

Her current haunt is a comfy house in her beloved Sacramento where she wrangles three feline fur-kids and consumes peppermints like manna in order to balance a calendar filled with more creative venues than a sane person should realistically undertake. If she’s not chained to her desk, she’s stomping through the scenery in search of equally fantastical photographs.

Etta Jean Chronicle Wallpaper 1